Billionaire business owners are rich (duh).
Billionaire business owners didn’t get to be rich by throwing
millions of dollars away. They invest;
they do not donate.
When they throw a million dollars to a super PAC supporting
Mitt Romney, they are not doing it solely from the kindness of their own
heart. They are making a purchase. They seek to buy power, to buy access to the
people who make the laws, and they want to make sure that the person signing
all the laws in 2013 is the type of person who will only sign laws favorable to
This is why it is so revealing when a billionaire business
owner heavily bankrolls a political action committee. By figuring out who the donors are and what their motivations
are, we can deduce what kind of policies Mitt Romney will be an advocate for.
Tim Dickinson of Rolling Stone does excellent work putting together a list of 16 megadonors (defined as a donor who has thrown at least a million bones Mitt’s
way), and he has ascribed motivations for each one. So what do these old white dudes want anyways? I have summarized Dickinson's list as follows (name – occupation or
corporation – what the donor wants from government):
Warriors for the upper class:
- Edward Conard – Wall Street hedge fund guy – continuing the favorable tax policy for rich people
- Julian Robertson Jr. – Wall Street hedge fund guy - continuing the favorable tax policy for rich people
- Robert Mercer – Wall Street guy (non-hedge fund) - continuing the favorable tax policy for rich people
- Paul Singer – Wall Street hedge fund guy – continuing the favorable tax policy for rich people
Dodd-Frank killers:
- John Paulson – Wall Street hedge fund guy – weaker banking regulations
- Kenneth Griffin – Wall Street hedge fund guy – weaker banking regulations / access
- William Koch – Oxbow Carbon – fewer environmental regulations
- Harold Simmons – Contran – fewer environmental regulations
- Steven Webster – Oil and gas guy – pro-drilling policies
Consumer exploiters:
- Frank VanderSloot – Melaleuca Inc. (pyramid scheme cleaning supplies) – weaker consumer protections / anti-gay policies
- Steven Lund – Nu Skin Enterprises (pyramid scheme cosmetics) – weaker consumer protections
- Bob Perry – Perry Homes – caps on jury awards
Quid pro quo:
- L. Francis Rooney III – Rooney Holdings (construction) – access / patronage
- Jim Davis – New Balance Shoes – lucrative defense contract
Family friends / fellow New England Mormons born into privelege:
- Richard Marriott – Marriott Hotels – immigration reform
- J. Willard Marriott Jr. – Marriott Hotels – immigration reform
You can bet that a Romney administration would share the
policy ideas of these donors from the 1%, and those policies would do the
following things: cut taxes for the rich, kill off what little banking
oversight remains in this country, remove environmental protections, and neuter
the Consumer Protection Bureau. (Maybe
there would be room for immigration reform, and maybe not.)
Not only do these people fund Romney’s campaign, these are
the rich people that Romney hangs out with.
These are the friends who own NASCAR teams, private jets and multiple
estates. This is the social group from
which Romney derives his worldview, a bleak
screw-everything-but-the-bottom-line worldview in which greed is great and
capital is king. Romney was born into
this social group and has lived there all his life. His money is tied to investments with these people (he has at least a million dollars invested with Paul Singer). He is named after the father of the two Marriott brothers, whose
massive New England estate his family “summered” at when he was but a mite of a
These megadonors would not be investing so heavily if there
was no big payday somewhere in the future for them. What the billionaire business owners see in Mitt Romney is a man
who will weaken government to the benefit of billionaire business owners. Their self-serving desires are not good for the country as a whole, but their voices are the loudest (because money is speech and therefore a million dollars is like a speech with a megaphone). But even if they weren't the loudest, Mitt would still be their man. He comes from them. He is of them. He is just like them, except maybe a little bit younger and more good-looking. That’s apparently worth a million or